During the year we disbursed €17 million to support the investment plans of two companies that are implementing projects in the Campania Special Economic Zone (SEZ) area of Italy.
These are the first two investments at Interporto Campano di Nola since the establishment of the SEZ. They mark our continued collaboration with Italian institutions to support SEZs, which promote the economic, financial and administrative development of companies operating in the territory, and stimulate the establishment of new entrepreneurial initiatives.
UniCredit is now recognized as a key investment partner in driving positive outcomes in southern Italy's eight SEZs - Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania, Ionian Interregional Puglia-Basilicata, Adriatic Interregional Puglia-Molise, Eastern Sicily, Western Sicily, and Sardinia. Our aim is to provide businesses with all of the tools they need to capitalize on the potential that these territories can offer - encouraging new investment opportunities by offering structured credit and financial instruments through our extensive network.